Dreams. We all define them differently. Some people dream of a life of fame; singing on stage, becoming an all - star athlete, owning a multi- million dollar business. Some people dream of comfort; never facing hunger, living above the poverty line, residing in a country with no war. But a dream is a dream, and sometime they are achieved, and sometimes they're not. But this past week, I had the absolute blessing of being able to experience one of my dreams, and it was even more magical than I ever could have imagined. A dream I've had for many years, hoping and wishing it would come true. Not only did it come true, but it changed my life in ways I couldn't have predicted.
My dad's family lives in Norway. He has dozens of cousins that I've never met, and for the most part neither had he. He visited back in the 60's, but since than hasn't gotten to go back. That is, until June 7, 2019. My parents, brother, and I ventured across the Atlantic to meet people we had never met. Not only people, but family. Going to a foreign country and staying with people you've never met in person is incredibly intimidating. Will they like us? Will we fit in? What if we're just too different? There were many thoughts that raced through my mind, and I had no idea what to expect. My blog centers around anxiety, and you all know I am just a very anxious person. So I was unbelievably excited, but couldn't help the butterflies that fluttered in my stomach. After hours of travel and a 6 hour difference time zone, we rounded the corner of the airport to our family waving Norwegian and American flags high in the air. Their smiles were energizing, their presence was beautiful, and the love was already so evident. It was surreal. This was the start of the best week of my life.
Over the next 8 days I would create bonds that feel like I've had forever. I would see my dad genuinely happy every second of every day. I would experience people that were once strangers become my family. I wish there were words that could accurately depict what it felt like to be with these people. They brought me so much laughter, so much since happiness, and an immense amount of appreciation that I didn't even realize I could possess. They welcomed the four of us with open arms and full hearts. They took care of us and treated us like we had met them a thousand times before. They recognized that we wanted to meet them just as much as they wanted to meet us. Not many people meet their family 19 years after they're born. In most cases, you are immediately placed into their lives from birth. But getting to meet them at the age of 19 allowed me to go into the situation with the understanding of what family means. I could go into everyday with the gratitude that these people deserved. I recognized that every little thing they did for us, from making breakfast to driving 3 hours to a mountaintop, was their way of showing the love they had for us. And as I try to find the perfect words to explain how this felt, I can't. There are none. There is simply an overflowing amount of emotions and love that I feel in every cell in my body. It is an ethereal thing to experience.
To the older, yet forever young, folks: You are so special. Everyday you live out what it means to be kind, caring, and loving people. You surrounded us with the most beautiful energy that exists. You never judged us and you always kept us close to your hearts. From the moment we first met, to the tearful "see you laters", you loved us as we were always one of your own. We love you more than we could ever explain, but I promise we will continue to show you how much we love you everyday. Thank you.
To my generation: Wow. You guys made me laugh and smile like I had known you from day 1. We immediately bonded and I feel that connection so strongly. I was scared you wouldn't like me, but that fear immediately vanished after a few seconds. You took me in as if i was your sister, and that is exactly how I feel. I gained brothers and sisters on this trip and I think I am most grateful for that. It is crazy how similar we all are, and how just hanging out for 8 days could create relationships that will last forever. You all mean the world to me, sincerely. I could cry thinking about how happy I am to have you all. The only words I can find to explain this feeling are pure love, and you showed me that. I love you all so much.
So, from the USA to Norway, our bonds stretch across the sea. Through every mile, we love you so much and will keep you just as close to us as if you lived right down the street. Distance and time will never affect us. We are now the Fevang of 40. We will see you soon. Love forever.
